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Filip z przyszłości

Phil of the Future
6,7 2 202
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Filip z przyszłości
powrót do forum serialu Filip z przyszłości

Nie wiecie może skąd można wziąć słowa do piosenki tytułowej?

ocenił(a) serial na 7

Meet a boy named Phil and his family
On vacation from the 22nd century
They got a rented time-machine and they're on their way
To a time way, way, way back in the day

So now he's Phil , Phil, Phil of the Future
Keeping it together just as best as he can. Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future
He's a 22nd century man, a 22nd century man

On a holiday through history,
But the final destination was a mystery
But something on the time-machine had blown
So they ended up right here in our time-zone

So now he's Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future,
Never knew in history just where he would land

So now he's Phil , Phil, Phil of the Future
Keeping it together just as best as he can. Phil, Phil, Phil of the Future
He's a 22nd century man, a 22nd century man



Dzięki :)
[za krotki][za krotki][za krotki]

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